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baud什么意思(Baud Rate - What Does It Mean)

2024-06-20生活杂谈阅读 1668

Baud Rate - What Does It Mean?


Baud rate is a term commonly used to denote the data transfer rate between two devices in a serial communication. It is an important factor that determines the data throughput or the speed of the communication between devices. In this article, we will explore the meaning of baud rate, how it is calculated, and its relationship to other important terms in serial communication.

What is Baud Rate?

Baud rate is a measure of how many signal changes occur per second in a serial communication. It is often erroneously used interchangeably with bit rate, which refers to the number of bits transmitted per second. In fact, baud rate specifies the signaling rate, while bit rate specifies the actual number of bits per unit of time.

How is Baud Rate Calculated?

Baud rate calculation is based on the number of signal changes required to represent a single bit of data. For instance, if two signal changes are required to represent a single bit, then the baud rate is half the bit rate. Conversely, if only one signal change is required to represent a bit, then the baud rate equals the bit rate. Generally, the baud rate is always equal to or less than the bit rate.

Relationship to Other Serial Communication Terms

Baud rate is closely related to other terms used in serial communication. One such term is the number of data bits, which specifies the number of bits in each character of data transmitted. Another term is the parity bit, which is used for error detection to ensure the integrity of data transmission. Additionally, the stop bit/s specifies the number of bits used to indicate the end of a character.


In conclusion, baud rate is an essential factor that determines the speed of communication between two devices in a serial communication. It is different from bit rate and refers to the number of signal changes required to represent a bit of data. A clear understanding of baud rate and its relationship to other terms such as data bits, parity bit, and stop bit/s is important for successful serial communication.
