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当然英语怎么读出来(Certainly or Surely How to Pronounce These Commonly Confused English Words)

2024-06-24生活杂谈阅读 1634

Certainly or Surely? How to Pronounce These Commonly Confused English Words


English is a language with many words that have similar pronunciations but different meanings. One such case is the confusion between the words certainly and surely. If you are not a native English speaker, you might find it challenging to understand and pronounce these words correctly. In this article, we will help you learn the difference in pronunciation between these two words and give you tips on how to use them in everyday conversation.


Certainly is an adverb that means without a doubt, positively, or surely. In terms of pronunciation, the word has four syllables, and stress is put on the second syllable, \"cer-tain-ly.\" The first syllable starts with a soft \"s\" sound, followed by a softer \"er\" sound. The third syllable has a long \"ai\" sound, and the final syllable ends with a \"lee\" sound. When pronouncing the word, make sure to stress the second syllable and use a high tone to emphasize the degree of certainty.


Surely is an adverb that means undoubtedly, certainly, or definitely. It is usually used to emphasize something that is expected to happen. The word has two syllables, and stress is put on the first syllable, \"sure-ly.\" The first syllable has a strong \"s\" sound, followed by a short \"u\" sound. The second syllable has a long \"ee\" sound, and the word ends with a \"lee\" sound. When pronouncing surely, the first syllable should be pronounced with force, followed by a slight break before stressing the second syllable.


In summary, certainly and surely are commonly confused English words with different meanings and pronunciations. Certainly has four syllables, while surely has only two. Make sure to stress the second syllable of certainly and the first syllable of surely when speaking these words. Keep practicing and use them in your conversations to sound more fluent in English! So, there you have it- tips on correctly pronouncing and using certainly and surely. Remember to practice regularly to improve your English speaking skills. What other words confuse you in English? Let us know in the comments!
