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文明5秘籍控制台英文看不懂(Civilization V Cheats and Tips for Non-English Speakers)

2024-07-07生活日常阅读 1113

Civilization V Cheats and Tips for Non-English Speakers


As a non-English speaker playing Civilization V, it can be hard to fully utilize the cheats and tips available without the proper language skills. Here are some tricks that don't require understanding English phrases to master the game.

Tip 1: Increase Your Production

One way to increase your production is to build mines on resources such as iron or stone. This will give you extra production for each tile. To find out which tile has these resources, simply hover your mouse over the tile and a tooltip will show up that contains an image and a name of the resource. If you have already built mines on these tiles, you can further increase your production by building a quarry on marble, granite or other similar tiles.

Tip 2: Boost Your Economy

Playing as a non-English speaker shouldn't prevent you from building a strong economy. Try building trading posts on jungle tiles or building culture buildings to generate additional gold. Trading posts can be built on jungle tiles by clearing the forest and then using the \"build improvements\" option on the tile. Culture buildings should be built in every city as they generate significant amounts of gold and culture.

Tip 3: Conquer the World

Conquering the world requires a lot of effort, resources, and time. One way to make it easier is to utilize the diplomatic system. In general, the more friends you have, the easier it is to conquer the world. Try to form alliances with other civilizations by offering them gifts, signing treaties, or giving them valuable resources. If you want to declare war on a certain civilization but you lack the war capabilities, ask your allies to help you. The more allies you have, the easier it is to wipe out enemy civilizations one by one.


Playing Civilization V might be a challenge for non-English speakers, but with these tips and tricks, you can master the game without fully understanding all the cheats and phrases. Use them wisely and efficiently to increase your production, boost your economy, and conquer the world.

