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满江红全文英文翻译(The Full Text Translation of Man Jiang Hong)

2024-07-15生活杂谈阅读 1607

The Full Text Translation of \"Man Jiang Hong\"


\"Man Jiang Hong\"(满江红)is one of the most famous songs in China, telling the story of how the general Yue Fei (岳飞) fought against the invading Jin dynasty during the Song dynasty. The lyrics are full of patriotism and admiration for the heroism of Yue Fei and his soldiers. The song has been popular for centuries and is widely sung and loved by the Chinese people.

The Translation

Verse 1:
The river's waves are surging, with thousands of sails
Misty rain falls, drums rumble like thunder
The general, with his army, steels himself for a long fight
Determined to recapture the lost land from the enemy's hands

Heroes of China, rise up and march forward
To protect our sovereign and our land
Fight bravely to the death, never surrender
Raise high the flag and let it fly

Verse 2:
The flags of the enemy flutter in the wind
The general's armor shines in the sunlight
His eyes are like lightning, his breath hot like fire
He leads his troops to charge into the fray

Heroes of China, rise up and march forward
To protect our sovereign and our land
Fight bravely to the death, never surrender
Raise high the flag and let it fly

Verse 3:
The battle is fierce, blood is spilled
The general's sword is like a dragon, fierce and unstoppable
He cuts down the enemy and breaks their will to fight
Victory is won, the people cheer

Heroes of China, rise up and march forward
To protect our sovereign and our land
Fight bravely to the death, never surrender
Raise high the flag and let it fly


\"Man Jiang Hong\" is a powerful song that has inspired generations of Chinese people with its message of courage, patriotism, and honor. It serves to remind us of the importance of standing up for what we believe in and fighting for our country and its people.

