首页 / 生活杂谈 / dropped造句(掉落(dropped)的形态和使用方法)


2024-08-19生活杂谈阅读 1158


1. 名词作主语

在英语中,dropped 一词可以作为名词(drop 的过去分词)使用,作为主语时常常表示一种状态,例如:

  • She looked at the dropped phone on the floor in disbelief.
  • The team's dropped performance in the second half of the game disappointed all the fans.
  • The sudden news of his dropped nomination surprised everyone in the political circle.

2. 形容词修饰物体状态

dropped 还可以作为形容词,表示物体的状态,一般表示物体经历过摔、掉、落、降等动作,如:

  • The dropped vase on the table was shattered into pieces.
  • He regretted the dropped camera with all his heart.
  • The dropped temperature made her wrap her coat tightly and shiver.

3. 动词作谓语

最后,dropped 也可以作为动词使用,表示某个物体被人为或无意间地“放下、丢下、降下、下落等”,常常需要搭配介词、副词或特定结构使用,例如:

  • He dropped his keys on the couch and left the room.
  • The helicopter dropped food and medicine into the devastated area.
  • Her heart dropped down when she heard the bad news from the doctor.
  • The price of the stock finally dropped after weeks of fluctuation.

总之,dropped 并不是一个难懂的词汇,通过上述三个方面的具体讲解,我们能感受到这个词的丰富内涵,较为灵活的用法也在英语中被广泛应用。希望本文能为读者解惑,同时提升英语运用能力。

以上内容点拨了dropped 词汇的各种形态和使用方法,希望读者能牢记,并能根据具体语境加以应用。学习英语时,不断积累常用词汇和有效表达是关键,加油!



