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括号英语怎么写(How to Write Parentheses in English)

2024-08-20生活日常阅读 1156

How to Write Parentheses in English?


Parentheses, also known as round brackets, are punctuation marks that are used to set off additional information within a sentence. They are a useful tool for writers to clarify and simplify their writing. In this article, we will discuss the rules for using parentheses in English.

When to Use Parentheses

1. Clarifying Information
Parentheses can be used to clarify information within a sentence. For example: \"Sarah is going to the party tonight (after she finishes her homework).\" The information in the parentheses is additional but not necessary to understand the main idea of the sentence. 2. Abbreviations
Parentheses can be used to indicate an abbreviation. For example: \"The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations.\" In this case, the abbreviation in parentheses helps to clarify what WHO stands for. 3. Numbers
Parentheses can be used to enclose numbers. For example: \"The population of New York City in 2020 was 8,336,817 (according to the U.S. Census Bureau).\" The number in parentheses is additional information that provides a source for the information given in the sentence.

Rules for Using Parentheses

1. Use Proper Spacing
Always use a space before and after the parentheses. For example: \"This is a sentence (with parentheses).\" 2. Avoid Excessive Use
Avoid using parentheses excessively in your writing. Overusing parentheses can make your writing appear cluttered and difficult to read. Use them sparingly and only when necessary. 3. Use Correct Punctuation
When using parentheses within a sentence, be sure to use the correct punctuation. If the sentence would require a comma without the parentheses, use a comma after the closing parenthesis. For example: \"I went to the store (which was closed), but I didn't see anyone.\"


Parentheses can be a useful tool for clarifying information within a sentence. Proper usage of parentheses will help to simplify your writing while providing additional information to your readers. Remember to use proper spacing, avoid excessive use, and use correct punctuation when using parentheses in your writing.
