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到达的英文短语翻译(Phrases for Arrival in English)

2024-01-05生活感悟阅读 3413

Phrases for Arrival in English

When you arrive in a new place, it can be a bit overwhelming. You may be jet-lagged, disoriented, or simply excited to explore. Here are some common English phrases to help you navigate your arrival.

At the Airport

Once you've landed, you'll likely head to the airport terminal to gather your luggage. Here are some phrases you may encounter:

\"I need to pick up my bags\" - This is a common phrase used to alert airport staff that you need to retrieve your checked luggage.

到达的英文短语翻译(Phrases for Arrival in English)

\"Where is baggage claim?\" - Baggage claim is the area where you can retrieve your luggage after you've gone through customs.

到达的英文短语翻译(Phrases for Arrival in English)

\"Excuse me, could you tell me where the taxi stand is?\" - If you're looking to hail a cab, this phrase is a polite way to ask for directions.

Checking In

If you're staying in a hotel or holiday rental, you'll need to check in. Here are some phrases to help you out:

\"Hi, I have a reservation under [your name]\" - Use this phrase when you arrive at the front desk of your accommodation. It will let the staff know that you have already booked a room.

到达的英文短语翻译(Phrases for Arrival in English)

\"What time is check-in?\" - This phrase will help you determine when you can officially check into your room.

\"Could you recommend any good restaurants nearby?\" - If you're looking for food options, this is a great phrase to start with. The staff will be able to suggest some local spots to try.

Getting Around

Now that you're settled, it's time to explore! Here are some phrases to help you navigate your new surroundings:

\"Excuse me, where is [landmark]?\" - This phrase is perfect if you're looking for a specific attraction or location.

\"Which bus/train do I need to take to get to [location]?\" - If you're taking public transportation, this phrase can help you determine which route to take.

\"Do you have a map?\" - Asking for a map will give you a better sense of where you are and where you can go.

With these phrases in your back pocket, you'll be able to confidently navigate your arrival in a new place and make the most of your travels.

