首页 / 生活日常 / 酒店英语口语对话场景延长逗留时间(延长逗留时间的英语口语对话场景)


2024-05-24生活日常阅读 2539



A: Good afternoon, may I help you? B: Yes, I would like to extend my stay here in this hotel. A: I see. Do you already have a reservation for the dates you want to stay? B: No, not yet. I was wondering if there are still any available rooms for the next few days. A: Let me check that for you, sir/madam. (Checks room availability) Yes, we do have some rooms available for the duration of your stay.


A: Great, would you like to upgrade your room or stay in the same one? B: I'm quite happy with my current room. Can you tell me how much it would be for the additional nights? A: Sure, the rate would be X amount per night. However, since you are extending your stay, we can offer you a discount of Y percent. Also, as a valued guest, you have earned Z points which can be redeemed for a reduction in the price. B: That sounds like a good deal. Can you please calculate the final price for me? A: Certainly, the final cost for your extended stay would be (calculates) A amount. And if you redeem your Z points, the price would be reduced to B amount.


B: Sounds reasonable to me. One more thing, what would be the check-out time for the additional days? A: The check-out time is 12:00 pm, sir/madam. And for your convenience, we can arrange for a late check-out at 2:00 pm for an additional fee of C amount. B: Thank you for letting me know. I would like to go ahead and confirm my extended stay. What would be the payment options? A: You can pay the amount in cash or by credit card, sir/madam. If you choose to pay by credit card, we would need you to authorize the card and provide us with a valid ID for verification purposes. B: I would prefer to pay by credit card. Here is my card and ID. A: Thank you, sir/madam. Everything is now set for your extended stay. Enjoy the rest of your time here at our hotel. 是一篇关于如何延长逗留时间的英语口语对话场景,希望对您有帮助。祝您在旅途中度过美好的时光!
