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芒果和柠檬的英文怎么读(Mangoes and Lemons How to Pronounce Them Correctly)

2024-05-29生活日常阅读 2054

Mangoes and Lemons: How to Pronounce Them Correctly

The Pronunciation of Mangoes

Mangoes are a tropical fruit with a sweet, juicy flavor. The word \"mango\" is pronounced as \"man-go\" with the stress on the first syllable. The \"a\" sound in \"man\" is pronounced like the \"a\" in \"cat\", and the \"o\" sound in \"go\" is pronounced like the \"o\" in \"no\". Therefore, the correct pronunciation is \"MAN-go\", not \"man-GO\" or \"MAHN-go\".

The Pronunciation of Lemons

Lemons are a sour fruit that is often used in cooking and baking. The word \"lemon\" is pronounced as \"lem-uhn\" with the stress on the first syllable. The \"e\" sound in \"lem\" is pronounced like the \"e\" in \"pet\", and the \"o\" sound in \"on\" is pronounced like the \"a\" in \"sofa\". Therefore, the correct pronunciation is \"LEM-uhn\", not \"LEE-mawn\" or \"luh-MAWN\".

The Differences Between British and American Pronunciation

It is worth noting that there are differences in the pronunciation of these words between British and American English. In British English, the \"a\" sound in \"man\" is pronounced more like the \"a\" in \"father\", and the \"o\" sound in \"go\" is pronounced more like the \"o\" in \"hot\". Therefore, the British pronunciation of \"mango\" would be \"MUHN-goh\". Similarly, in British English, the \"e\" sound in \"lem\" is pronounced more like the \"e\" in \"bet\", and the \"o\" sound in \"on\" is pronounced more like the \"o\" in \"gone\". Therefore, the British pronunciation of \"lemon\" would be \"LEM-uhn\". In American English, the pronunciation of these words is as described earlier in this article. However, it is important to note that regional accents and dialects in both British and American English may lead to variations in pronunciation.


In conclusion, the correct pronunciation of \"mango\" is \"MAN-go\", and the correct pronunciation of \"lemon\" is \"LEM-uhn\". It is important to be aware of the differences in pronunciation between British and American English, and to take regional accents and dialects into consideration. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you are pronouncing these words correctly in any context.
