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得出结论英文短语怎么说(How to Say 得出结论 in English)

2024-06-02生活日常阅读 2022

How to Say \"得出结论\" in English?


When we write academic papers, scientific research reports or policy assessments, we often need to draw conclusions based on the research findings. In Chinese, we commonly use the term \"得出结论\"(dé chū jié lùn) to express this concept. However, how can we convey this idea effectively in English? In this article, we will explore several phrases and expressions that can be used to translate \"得出结论\" into English.

Phrases and Expressions

1. Conclude: This verb can be used to indicate the act of coming to a decision or forming an opinion on a subject. For example, \"Based on the evidence presented, we can conclude that the hypothesis is valid.\" 2. Draw a conclusion: This phrase is also commonly used to express the idea of \"得出结论\". For instance, \"After analyzing the data, we can draw a conclusion that the new product has the potential to gain a significant market share.\" 3. Reach a conclusion: This phrase is similar to \"draw a conclusion\" and can be used interchangeably. An example sentence is \"Through the comparison and evaluation of different options, we have reached a conclusion that option C is the most feasible.\" 4. Make a determination: This phrase is often used in legal contexts to refer to the act of making a final decision based on evidence and arguments presented in a case. For instance, \"The judge needs to make a determination whether the defendant is guilty or not.\" 5. Form an opinion: This phrase can be used to indicate a personal judgement or evaluation on a particular subject. For example, \"After reading the book, I have formed an opinion that the author's writing style is engaging but the plot is a bit predictable.\"


In conclusion, \"得出结论\" can be expressed in various ways in English, such as \"conclude\", \"draw a conclusion\", \"reach a conclusion\", \"make a determination\" and \"form an opinion\". It is essential to choose the right phrase or expression depending on the context and purpose of your writing. By using these phrases fluently, we can effectively convey our ideas and findings to the readers with precision and clarity.
