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employ是什么意思英语翻译成中文(Understanding the Meaning of Employ in English)

2023-12-19生活杂谈阅读 3651

Understanding the Meaning of Employ in English


Employ is a commonly used word in the English language, which refers to offering a job or work to an individual. It is a verb that entails providing a person with employment, either on a part-time or a full-time basis. The word also conveys the idea of utilizing or making use of someone's skills and abilities to achieve specific objectives.

What Does Employ Mean?

employ是什么意思英语翻译成中文(Understanding the Meaning of Employ in English)

The word employ can be defined as hiring an individual to perform specific duties or tasks in exchange for payment. It can also refer to engaging someone in a job or occupation that utilizes their knowledge, experience, and expertise. For instance, a company may employ a graphic designer to design their products and branding materials. Similarly, a school may employ a teacher to teach various subjects to their students.

employ是什么意思英语翻译成中文(Understanding the Meaning of Employ in English)

How is Employ Used in English?

The word employ can be used in various ways depending on the context. It can be used both as a transitive and intransitive verb. As a transitive verb, it requires an object, and it is often followed by a preposition like \"in,\" \"as,\" \"with,\" or \"on.\" For example, \"The company employed John as a software developer.\" In this example, the company hired John for the position of a software developer. As an intransitive verb, it doesn't require an object and can be used alone. For example, \"She was employed in the marketing department.\" In this example, the verb is used to show that she works in the marketing department of the company.


employ是什么意思英语翻译成中文(Understanding the Meaning of Employ in English)

In conclusion, the word employ is an integral part of the English language that denotes offering a job or utilizing someone's skills for a specific purpose. It is a verb that can be used in a transitive or intransitive form and can be followed by a preposition when used as a transitive verb. Knowing the meaning and usage of employ is crucial, especially when seeking employment or when writing job application letters, resumes, and cover letters.

